
How it works ?

With our scanner installed in your clinic, you will be able to do all that: to scan your patient's head, generate the 3D model, mark the bald parts and thus obtain the area, and with the help of the EXACT scale calculate the amount of grafts per area.
3D model and mesh generation
Mark reciever area
Choose donor area
See results


Measuring method

While the customer remains seated,
the 3D scanner’s rotates 360 degrees


Computerized measurements
allows accurate measure

Time required
for the measurement

The measurement is completed
with in 90 seconds.

Time required
for the production

The data transmitted in real time


Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is a prevalent genetic condition affecting both men and women, leading to gradual hair loss. Conventional AGA scales rely on subjective assessments, which might lack comprehensiveness in understanding the condition. The subjective nature of these classifications often results in varying assessments by different professionals using the same scale for the same patient. Additionally, these classifications may lack detailed descriptions, practicality in clinical assessment, and reproducibility.

To address these limitations, a more comprehensive and quantitative approach to AGA classification is imperative. Incorporating objective measures like hair density assessments, miniaturization analysis, or 3D scalp imaging can offer a more precise evaluation of hair loss severity. Introducing a quantitative and mathematical classification system can mitigate discrepancies and yield a more objective evaluation of AGA. By integrating quantitative measurements, such as precise area calculations for implantation, surgeons can refine their surgical planning and optimize the outcomes of hair transplantation procedures.

At Graft Scan 3D

we've introduced the EXACT scale to bridge this gap. Unlike traditional qualitative scales used in hair transplant planning for androgenetic alopecia (AGA), the EXACT scale offers a precise quantitative classification.

This scale specifically targets Male-Pattern hair loss (MPHL), delivering a more accurate and quantitative evaluation of baldness severity. By doing so, it enables a customized approach to hair transplant procedures, ensuring the consideration of an appropriate number of follicular units (FUs) tailored to each unique case.

The EXACT scale is designed to overcome the limitations of qualitative scales by minimizing distortions. Qualitative scales often overlook variations in hair loss distribution and density, potentially leading to suboptimal results when applying the same surgical strategy across patients with varying levels of baldness. Through its quantitative approach, the EXACT scale minimizes these disparities, providing a more precise foundation for surgical planning.

Integration of the software

Just envision utilizing cutting-edge 3D technology for this purpose. With 3DGraftScan, it's entirely possible. By leveraging a rendered 3D model of a patient's head, one can assess the relative bald area (RBA) through analysis of the 3D mesh generated via advanced technologies like LiDAR/TrueDepth or similar methods.


This intricate 3D mesh mirrors the object's surface obtained by scanning the environment using laser beams, infrared sensors, and cameras integrated into devices like cell phones. These technologies impeccably capture the unique characteristics of the patient's head, delineating the topography of the bald area and its deviations from the rest of the scalp. Through meticulous analysis of the resulting 3D mesh, the application accurately quantifies the bald area in relation to other scalp regions.

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